Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Time for some fun now..

  Now..Am I not a momma's girl much more identical I can be..If I am lost in a kumbh ka mela...definitely they will find my twin MOM :P

 Ye Kali Kali Aakhen ..
      Ye gore gore Gaal.....

Damn..I am gonna sure trouble my dad in my teens..
(Winks... hinting BF's)
 Am I not a charmer!!!!
.I am on a Slide wohoooo..Safety officer Patti on duty..
 Awww..this patti also leaving in a weeks time..
Miss you patti
 Its Park Time...yey yey yey..
I love the park..lots to look and gaze at..
I am in love with the world so much to see /explore

Enjoy my updates.. I will keep it coming.

An Update from last where I left...

 Now if you were following my progress, you would know I am into Boxing..A left a right and a upper cut combo ..thats my move..

This pic was a victory mocking smile after my latest K.O..

I am Beginning to shine like the sun ..That why I spent so much time in Yellow :)
Like that was the Summer color for me.

 I am the next Gen Girl..I am in to technology..doesn't my longer than my face size phone tell you that..

 One for the camera ...My T reads twinkle toes..My momma had one..will I too ???
Something to ponder as I grow..
 The camera loves this pose and I give it.. By the way ..have you noticed..I know where the lens of the camera is...I am all Natural ..

I am holding tight Patti.. I am a big 5 Month old girl..Yes I can is my motto (giggles)
 I am a chamat girl..All white and tucked in ...
Pose like driving a Harley..Sridhar thatha would definitely love that :)

 Thats my personalized GYM..A boxer needs to be in shape at all times..They didn't get me a punching bag..These dolls suffer the beating ..All fun for me

 This is a personal Fav of my Chinna Mama..
So had to get it here :)
Me and Dad..I feel safe ...
Aaaa ummmm...and the tradition continues ..
It seems I like fruits and gobble them like my Chinna Mama..Had to get some good traits ain't I ...

A hint of my Kodai patti in me ....
I love you Kollu Patti