Monday, December 19, 2011

The third month .. Great time to grow...

 ..Am I angry I revolting.. I think I am gonna punch someone..What a look :)
 Finally Amma calms me down...she had to hold me down tooo :P
 Nose itch..nose itch..keep on the family trait..
 Lets do the PT exercise..the best way to keep up my physique :p
Havent I grown tall..see see see let me stretch :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

 My friends and me ...but the bear seems a tad too bigger ain't it.... 
 My dad, and me ...

A big cute pillow and its all mine
 Pattisssss not the ones you eat dumbo...
Days when both were in NZ
 Give me some sunshine, give me no more rain,
I wanna go out ,play, not watch the world through the pane....
see I am already speaking english ..
aaaa..but thats all I learnt till now   :)
 Who's there .. wow ..I am startled..and I have my mom's eyes..see see
 Back to flying lessons ...I am the bird ..I am the plane.. I am super kid
 To all those who can't fly.. brrrrrrrrr
 Awww.. I look content
 Sniff Sniff wheres my mommy ...I want my mommy
 Give a left, Give me a right.. just getting my boxing lessons..
I am cute and I know it.. do you understand you taklu shut up or else I will use of one of the remotes to mute you :)