Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pics of me for yall to enjoy

 Peek -A -Boo
 A replica of her mom
 One day Mr. Fly I will catch you :P
 So what are these people ranting about, get me some toys thatha
 Yey finally patti is talking to me,

Patti: Janya kutti , challa Kutti , Pattu kutti
Janya: aaayyya
Patti: Govinda panna Kutti Govinda go-vinda
Janya: aaayaa {but shes there almost :)}
Yey its dark finally I get some shut eye ...
what a day so busy ...
Slept at 1am got up at 4am.. Mom seems cranky as I woke her up :( .. But what do I do , I am a growing girl  I am huingry and my diapers wet ( damn I need to control that thingy).. then had something to eat and slept again till mama came. Mostly I am sleeping when he comes but today I was awake gave him a few smiles then dozed of again.. thus my day continues....

A round about a month and J R K continues to be a bundle of joy

 Punyajanam (Punya means purifying and janam means birth). A sastrigal (pandit) is called who performs a small puja and the sprays omathanner(ajwain water) throughout the house as though to cleanse.
Day of  function, with Vadiyar and mum and dad
 Proud Grandfather / thatha